
Care Home Name Label Pack (Medium)

£ 14.95


This medium namelabels pack is a great value, ideal sized pack of name labels for care home things.

Use these personalised name labels and stickers for labelling glasses, cups, drinks containers, books, pens, shoes and much more.

Medium personalised name labels for care homes are available in many colours of vinyl with white text. These personalised care home name labels are bright, easy to read and are dishwasher and microwave safe.

Our name labels stick to almost any clean, smooth, hard surface.

Our high quality iron on clothing name labels can be applied within seconds to clothes. They are easy to apply, feel soft against the skin and they won’t come off in the washing machine or tumble drier.

Iron on care home name labels for clothes are white with a choice of colours for the text.


• 40 Medium personalised name labels

• 50 Personalised iron on name labels

• 12 Shoe Labels

Please click below to view the personalisation options available for this product and then follow the steps below to customise your order.

Additional information

Label Font

Simple Font, Curvy Font, Funky Font, Girly Font, Natural Font, Techie Font

Vinyl Label Text Colour


Vinyl Label Colour

Pink, Orange, Light Pink, Green, Light Blue, Dark Green, Dark Blue, Black, Red, Purple

Iron On Text Colour

Red Text, Dark Blue Text Colour, Black Text Colour, Pink Text, Dark Gren Text Colour

Iron On Label Colour


Label Pictures

Absolutely Blank, Aeroplane, Alien, Anchor, Archery, Ballet, Ballet Dancer, Ballet Shoes, Bat, Bird, Boy, Butterfly, Camping, Car, Castle, Cat, Crown, Cycling, Dinosaur, Dog, Dolphin, Drum, Elephant, Fairy, Fireworks, Flying Saucer, Football, Girl, Guitar, Gymnastics, Headphones, Heart, Hedgehog, Ice Cream, Ladybird, Mobile, Monster, Motorbike, Music, Pacman, Panda, Pencil, Rabbit, Rocket, Rugby, Scorpion, Seahorse, Shoe, Shooting Star, Skull, Smiley, Smiley Glasses, Smiley Tongue, Snake, Star, Strawberry, Sun, Superman, Swimming, Tennis, Train, Trebleclef, Unicorn, Violin