Personalised Bookmarks

£ 3.50£ 10.00


Personalised magnetic bookmarks – A brilliant way for your children to remember what page they are on.

Our children’s personalised magnetic bookmarks are perfect for school books.

The magnetic bookmarks grip onto the page to keep your place safe.

Personalised children’s magnetic bookmarks are available in a selection of vibrant colours with fun images and can be personalised by adding your name.

Pack sizes: 1, 2 or 3 children’s bookmarks

Actual kids personalised magnetic bookmarks size 120mm x 35mm

Please click below to view the personalisation options available for this product and then follow the steps below to customise your order.

Additional information

Label Font

Simple Font, Curvy Font, Funky Font, Girly Font, Natural Font, Techie Font

Vinyl Label Text Colour


Vinyl Label Colour

Pink, Orange, Light Pink, Green, Light Blue, Dark Green, Dark Blue, Black, Red, Purple

Label Pictures

Absolutely Blank, Aeroplane, Alien, Anchor, Archery, Ballet, Ballet Dancer, Ballet Shoes, Bat, Bird, Boy, Butterfly, Camping, Car, Castle, Cat, Crown, Cycling, Dinosaur, Dog, Dolphin, Drum, Elephant, Fairy, Fireworks, Flying Saucer, Football, Girl, Guitar, Gymnastics, Headphones, Heart, Hedgehog, Ice Cream, Ladybird, Mobile, Monster, Motorbike, Music, Pacman, Panda, Pencil, Rabbit, Rocket, Rugby, Scorpion, Seahorse, Shoe, Shooting Star, Skull, Smiley, Smiley Glasses, Smiley Tongue, Snake, Star, Strawberry, Sun, Superman, Swimming, Tennis, Train, Trebleclef, Unicorn, Violin

Pack Size:

1, 2, 4